Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter- April 4, 2021

Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter (Revised)

Celebrating our 108th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .


Here are some important upcoming dates:


1 - PLC and Troop Committee Meeting

8 - Troop Outdoor Meeting at 6:30 pm

10 - Hiking Merit Badge (20-mile hike)

15 - Troop Outdoor Meeting at 6:30 pm

16 - 18 (National Youth Leadership Training at Broadcreek)

22 - Troop Outdoor Meeting at 6:30 pm

23 - 25 (Weekend Camping Trip at Willet Family Farm in Westminster, MD)

29 - Troop Outdoor Meeting at 6:30 pm

We hope that you enjoy your Easter and end of Passover celebrations today!

We also hope that everyone is safe and well.  We recently learned that most activities and meetings inside the Catonsville Presbyterian Church building will remain suspended through June 2021.  Troop 306 will hold the majority of its events and activities outdoors during the upcoming months, weather permitting. 

If there are any changes to the above schedule, we will let you know as soon as possible.


We're off to a great start with our summer camp plans at Rodney Scout Reservation!  Merit badge selections have been made and entered into the system, and we received a tour of the campground during this weekend's camping trip.  Due to the success of the tree sales and other fundraisers over the past few years, the Troop is covering $200 for each Scout attending summer camp this year, which results in the total family cost being reduced to $260.  Unless you've already paid in full, the remaining $210 is due no later than Friday, April 23.  As a reminder, scout accounts may be used for summer camp fees.  If you need to know how much funds are in your son's scout account, please contact Cynthia.  

All required forms for summer camp (Scout Medical, Supplemental Medical, and Permission Slip) were sent via email on 3/25 and are due no later than June 3, 2021.  Please note that we will need two copies of both the Scout Medical Form and your Scout's health insurance card (front/back).  Please also remember that Part C of the Scout Medical From requires a physical exam and must be completed/signed by a medical examiner.


Kristal McCormick, this year's sale coordinator, will have Scout Saver Coupon Cards ready for distribution at Troop in-person meetings.  If cards are needed before the scheduled in-person dates, Kristal can make arrangements with you.  

As a reminder, all profits from this fundraiser go directly to the scout account of the seller.  This year, the Troop pre-purchased the cards to increase the profit that the Scout earns.  Because the cards cannot be returned, we ask that each family please consider purchasing a minimum of 5 cards.  This is a great opportunity to raise funds to help with the cost of summer camp. 

To ask questions, request cards, or express your interest in an in-person sale, Kristal may be reached at or 410.963.1501(text is better than calling).


Please see the link below for information about Troop and/or individual Scout activities being sponsored by the Baltimore Area Council in recognition of Earth Day 2021.  The flyer includes details about a service project and a conservation awards information session.


The Baltimore Area Council also is in the midst of the Friends of Scouting 2021 Annual Campaign which directly supports Scouting opportunities in our local community.  We're off to a good start this year in terms of the amount received, but we are asking that every family considers contributing to the 2021 annual campaign so that our Troop can achieve a 100% participation rate.  If all families contribute, our Troop demonstrates that we understand the importance of Scouting, and ensures that Scouting remains strong in our community in the midst of these challenging times.

All donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and also are tax deductible.  Thank you in advance for your generosity.

The link is provided below for your convenience.  Please also check out the YouTube link that discusses the impact of Scouting upon our local community in 2020.  It features our very own Jack Callahan!


Pack 306 is having a fundraiser at Peace-A-Pizza on Thursday, April 8th.  Peace-A-Pizza has always willingly permitted various Scout-related fundraisers at their place of business.  So, please be sure to pick up some pizza on April 8 -- you won't have to worry about dinner, and will be supporting Pack 306 and Peace-A-Pizza at the same time.  Don't forgot to mention Pack 306 so that they receive credit.


Troop 306 will soon be entering into its 109th year, which is pretty awesome!  This accomplishment is greatly due to the support from CPC, the community, and in particular parental involvement, and this support is necessary for the Troop to continue to thrive.  We encourage each family to attend the Troop Committee meeting held on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm-- this is a great way to learn about upcoming plans, see how the Troop is managed, and obtain more information about areas of need.  The meetings are currently being held via Zoom.