Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter- 05/17/2020

Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter

Celebrating our 108th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .


Here are some important upcoming dates:


21 Troop Meeting via Zoom

28 Troop Meeting via Zoom

We hope all of you continue to be safe and well.  Catonsville Presbyterian Church has extended the suspension of all in-person activities at CPC buildings through the month of May.  Therefore, all Troop 306 meetings and activities in May will be conducted through Zoom.  Please see the schedule listed above.  An email invitation will be sent out in advance of the meetings and any activities. 

If there are any changes to the schedule, we will update you as soon as possible.


Hopefully everyone saw the email that was sent out on May 7 with thoughts about summer camp.  We do expect a decision from the Heritage Scout Reservation by the end of this week, and depending upon the announcement, the Troop will move forward with its own choice regarding attendance.  

We previously advised families to consider making appointments for the physical exams that are required for summer camp.  Since having updated medical records for each Scout is helpful to the Troop, regardless of summer camp attendance, our advice for scheduling the physicals remains the same.

Please feel free to contact Jeff or Cynthia if you have any questions or concerns.


The Camp Card sale is extended until the end of June.  The Baltimore Area Council also launched its Camp Card Frontline Heroes Campaign.  The campaign's purpose is to deliver 100,000 Camp Cards to local Frontline Heroes after the quarantine period ends to thank them for helping to keep us safe.  We are excited about this campaign! 

For more information or to place an order, please click on the following link:

Please share this information with your friends and family.  So that proper credit is received, don't forget to include or remind your contacts of our unit (Troop 306) and your Scout's last name when placing an order.

Lastly, if you previously received Camp Cards from Kristal, we need to know how many of those cards are still in your possession.  Please email Kristal at with this information as soon as possible.

Many thanks to Kristal for serving as this year's Camp Card coordinator!


We learned a few months ago that merit badge counselors must renew their applications every year.  An email was sent out on March 2 for adults who wish to renew applications or become a new counselor.  Serving as a counselor is a great way to share your expertise or interest with a scout who has a curiosity about that particular topic.  Please return the completed applications (adult and merit badge) and the background check form to Liz, if you have not already done so.


The final meeting for the Personal Fitness merit badge is scheduled for 5/21 at 7 pm.  Scouts should continue to keep up with their exercise logs and complete pages in their workbooks.  Please see the instructions sent via email on May 11 and reach out to Hope Riley if you have any questions. 

Also, Hope needs to review the exercise logs to determine progress.  Please remind your son to send pictures or scanned copies of his exercise log to Hope via email at or by text at 443-695-2250, and make sure you are included on the communication. 


The Troop has started receiving information regarding this year's popcorn sale, which will occur in the fall.  A coordinator is needed for this activity.  The responsibility is not burdensome or overwhelming -- in fact, the sale pretty much runs itself.  If you are interested in helping with this task, please let Cynthia know.

Many thanks to all of the parents have volunteered for a role or responsibility within the troop.  

  • Membership Coordinator/Liaison:  Kim Mason
  • Special Events Team:  Annie Guzman-Allen, Carolyn Jones, Kathy Hill, and Hope Riley
  • Cyber Chip Coordinator:  Marc Huete (presentation scheduled for Feb. 27)
  • Website Coordinator: Alexis Willis
  • Fundraising:  Camp Cards (Kristal McCormick); Popcorn Sales (volunteer still needed); Catonsville Arts Festival (Leighann Ruark); Renaissance Festival (Hope Riley); and Christmas Tree Shift Scheduling (Kristal McCormick)


Upcoming Events

T‌hursday, M‌ay 21, 2020 7:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Thursday, May 21, 2020 7:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Remarks: Troop Meeting
T‌hursday, M‌ay 28, 2020 7:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Thursday, May 28, 2020 7:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Remarks: Troop Meeting