Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter- 05/22/2022

Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter 

Celebrating our 109th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .


Here are some important upcoming dates:


20 – 22: Camping at Antietam

26 – Regular Scout Meeting, 7:00-8:30 PM


2 – PLC (6:30PM), and Troop Committee Meeting (7:30PM) via Zoom 

9 – Regular Scout Meeting, 7:00-8:30 PM

16 – Regular Scout Meeting, 7:00-8:30 PM

23 – Regular Scout Meeting, 7:00-8:30 PM

26 - July 2: Summer Camp at Rodney Scout Reservation

We hope that everyone is safe and well.

Listed above are the Troop's upcoming meetings and activities for the months May and June.  We are meeting in person, and masks are optional. 


Unfortunately, we are having some issues with our new PayPal account linked to the email address  However, there are no payments due to the Troop until the next camping trip in September, except for Sea Base payments which are being handled separately.  We will send an update once we determine how general payments to the Troop for camping fees, registration, etc., will be handled going forward.


The countdown for summer camp is on -- only 5 more weeks to go!  On Thursday, May 19, Ms. Liz distributed the merit badge schedule for each Scout, and identified any merit badge prerequisites that must be completed prior to camp.  She also sent an email attaching the same information.  Ms. Liz will be checking off completed requirements at the meetings up until June 23.  We appreciate your assistance in reminding your Scouts not to wait until the last minute to submit their completed coursework to Ms. Liz.

Swim tests in preparation for summer camp, and preliminary swimming assessments and conditioning for Sea Base will be held at the Y in Catonsville on Sunday, June 5, at 5 pm.  Scouts in the following categories should plan to attend:

  • All summer camp attendees who do not yet have a swimming classification (beginner, intermediate, or swimmer) or would like to increase the classification to swimmer
  • All Sea Base participants regardless of swim status  

Lastly, please do not forget about the summer camp paperwork which is due preferably by Thursday, June 9.  We will need time to review the paperwork and conduct any necessary follow-up, so please try to meet this deadline.


The Baltimore Area Council is in the middle of its Friends of Scouting 2022 Annual Giving Campaign.  Friends of Scouting is very important because it directly supports Scouting opportunities in our local community.  

Rather than setting a monetary goal, we ask that every family considers contributing to the 2022 annual campaign so that our Troop can achieve a 100% participation rate.  If all families contribute, our Troop demonstrates that we understand the importance of Scouting, and ensures that Scouting remains strong in our community.

All donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and also are tax deductible.  Please see the donation link below.

For the Unit, please write "Troop 306".  Thank you in advance for your generosity!


Our annual Scout Saver Coupon Card Fundraiser will be ending in mid-to-late June.

While the Christmas Tree Sale is a fundraiser for the Troop, the Scout Saver Coupon Card is an opportunity for Scouts to fundraise for themselves to support their Scouting adventure.  For just $5.00 per card, customers get over $75.00 in savings, many that can be used over and over again.  Scouts will receive $2.50 from each sale, and the funds will be deposited in the seller's Scout Account.  As a reminder, Scout Account funds can be spent on camping trips, fees for annual registration and summer camp, and scouting/camping gear. 

Cards will be available at most in-person Troop meetings.  If you're interested in cards, please speak with Harley King, this year's coordinator, at a meeting, or email him at


The next payment of $8,000 is due to Sea Base on November 1.  The PayPal account for monthly High Adventure payments has been completed.  Please contact Kristal McCormick for more info.

Fundraising and logistics planning is in the works.  Please feel free to share any additional fundraising ideas you may have with the High Adventure Committee.


In June of this year, Troop 306 will reach it 110th anniversary, which is totally awesome!  This accomplishment is greatly due to the support from CPC, the community, and in particular parental involvement, and all of which are necessary for the Troop to continue to thrive.  We encourage each family to attend the Troop Committee meeting held on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm -- this is a great way to learn about upcoming plans, see how the Troop is managed, and obtain more information about areas of need.  The meetings are currently being held via Zoom, and an email with the agenda, minutes, and Zoom link are distributed the day of the meeting.


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