Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter
Celebrating our 110th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .
Here are some important upcoming dates:
23 – Regular Scout Meeting, 7:00-8:30 PM
26 – July 2: Summer Camp at Rodney Scout Reservation
4 – Flags for July 4
4 – PLC (6:30PM), and Troop Committee Meeting (7:30PM) via Zoom
25 – Potluck Pool Party at Woodbridge Valley Pool (tentatively scheduled from 5 - 8 pm)
We hope that everyone is safe and well.
Listed above are the Troop's upcoming meetings and activities for the months of June through August. We are meeting in person, and masks are optional.
After July 4th, the Troop will be taking a break for the summer. There will be no regular Troop meetings during the month of July. In August, we will have the PLC and Troop Committee/Parent meetings on August 4, and our annual pool party is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, August 25. If anything changes with the schedule for August, we will inform everyone promptly.
Also, the Troop's Annual Calendar for 2022 – 2023 was circulated this week. Take a few moments to review the calendar if you have done so already. Please make note of the Catonsville Arts & Crafts Festival (9/11), and the Renaissance Festival (10/23), which are scheduled Troop fundraisers/community service activities in which all families are expected to participate.
We have so many amazing fathers in or affiliated with Troop 306! On this Father's Day, we honor and celebrate you! Thank you for all that you do for your families, our Troop, and the community!
We will be departing for summer camp at Rodney Scout Reservation one week from today! Woohoo!!! The adult leaders are in the final stages of preparations for summer camp, and if your Scout is attending, we're sure you're completing your final preparations, too. Please see the important reminders below.
- FORMS: Parents, thank you for submitting the required forms for your sons! Ms. Cynthia is in the process of reviewing the submitted forms, and will reach out today or tomorrow (if necessary) about any edits or missing items. As of this morning, there are only a handful of families with outstanding paperwork. If you still have other outstanding forms, or need to provide copies of the health insurance cards, these items must be provided to Ms. Cynthia no later than Thursday, June 23.
- PREREQUISITES: Some of the Scouts have prerequisites for the merit badges that they will taking during summer camp. If your Scout falls into this category, the list of prerequisites was either given to him in person, or sent via email to you. Please make sure your Scout is working on these requirements. NOTE: Prerequisites must be completed and verified by Ms. Liz no later than Thursday, June 23.
- PARENT MEETING: We want to speak briefly with the parents all of summer camp attendees during the last 15 minutes of the Troop meeting on Thursday, June 23. Please return to CPC between 8 - 8:15 pm so that the meeting can start promptly at 8:15 pm.
We have ended our Scout Saver Coupon Card Fundraiser. The Scouts that participated earned $210. This profit will be divided between the Scout Accounts of the participants, based upon the number of cards each participants sold.
During the summer months, the dress code is relaxed and Scouts may wear a Troop class ‘B’ shirt, which is a solid color (currently blue) T-shirt issued by the Troop, or any Scout-related T-shirt. First-year Scouts were provided two class ‘B’ shirts for summer camp on Thursday, June 16. Scouts who already have class 'B' shirts received a larger size, if needed.
The Baltimore Area Council will conclude its Friends of Scouting 2022 Annual Giving Campaign at the end of June. This means you have 12 days remaining to support Scouting opportunities in our local community!
Rather than setting a monetary goal, we ask that every family considers contributing to the 2022 annual campaign so that our Troop can achieve a 100% participation rate. If all families contribute, our Troop demonstrates that we understand the importance of Scouting, and ensures that Scouting remains strong in our community.
All donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and also are tax deductible. Please see the donation link below.
For the Unit, please write "Troop 306". Thank you in advance for your generosity!
The next payment of $8,000 is due to Sea Base on November 1. The PayPal account for monthly High Adventure payments has been completed. Please contact Kristal McCormick for more info.
The fundraiser on Sunday, June 12, at the Catonsville Farmers Market was a success! The Sea Base crews made $497, in addition to selling 17 more camp cards! This event also was a very successful day for networking and really provided a very excellent opportunity for the Troop to interact with the community. The adult leaders fielded many, many questions about our program and Cub Scouts.
Please feel free to share any additional fundraising ideas you may have with the High Adventure Committee.
Also, there likely will be a mandatory High Adventure meeting for participants and their parents in July to make sure everyone clearly understands expectations. More to come on this.
Happy Anniversary to us!!! We are the oldest Troop in Maryland, if not one of the oldest Troops in the U.S. Although the exact date is unknown, Troop 306 officially began in June 1911, and we've been chartered every year since then with the exception of one year during World War I. Many, many thanks to Catonsville Presbyterian Church which has continuously sponsored Troop 306 from the very beginning! We also greatly appreciate the strong support of our adult leaders, parents, and the community.
Our Troop is special in so many ways, and has positively impacted many families and our community for more than a century. As we go throughout the month of June, we encourage you to take a few moments to think about the honor and privilege it is to be associated with Troop 306!!!
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