Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter- 10/31/2021

Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter 

Celebrating our 109th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .


Here are some important upcoming dates:


29 - 31 (Camping at Poplar Grove Youth Campground in Thurmont, MD)


2 – PLC (6:30PM), and Troop Committee Meeting (7:30PM) via Zoom (NOTE: Date change for November)

11 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM, in person, CPC

18 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM, in person, CPC

19 - 21 (Backpacking Camping Trip TBD)

26 – Christmas Tree Sale Setup, 9AM - 12PM

27 – Christmas Tree Delivery & Start of Sale (8AM), and Annual CPC Grounds Cleanup (9AM)

We hope that everyone is safe and well.  Catonsville Presbyterian Church remains closed to outside groups due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.  For now, Troop 306 will continue to hold regular Troop meetings outdoors at CPC, and the PLC and Troop Committee meetings will remain virtual.

Listed above are the Troop's upcoming meetings and activities for the months of October and November. 


We want to again express our thanks to our Renaissance Festival volunteers, particularly those adults who do not currently have a Scout in the Troop, and those young men who have aged out.  It was definitely a team effort!  There were lots of attendees, the weather was perfect, and our tips ($838) were the highest ever!

The tips were split amongst the Scout accounts of the 6 Scouts/families that participated, which is our normal practice.  This basically covers the registration fee for next year, if those families choose to use the funds for that purpose. Definitely something to consider for next year . . . 


Thanksgiving is less than 4 weeks from now, which means that it's almost time for our annual Christmas Tree Sale, as well as the annual CPC church grounds cleanup.  The sale is the Troop's biggest fundraiser, and participation from every Scout family is required.  

An email went out yesterday containing info about the sale and asking each family to inform Kristal McCormick of the dates or shifts you are not available.  Please be sure to get this info to Kristal at no later than Saturday, November 6, and also mark you calendars for the mandatory parent meeting on Thursday, November 18, at 6:30 pm.  

Please contact Cynthia with any questions.


Re-chartering for the upcoming calendar year must be completed by 12/1/2021.  As discussed at the Troop Committee meetings in September and October, BSA has raised the registration fees for youths and adults yet again, although thankfully the increase was not as substantial as the previous two years.  The current National registration fee for Scouts is $72, and the fee is $45 for adults.  So that the Troop does not have to absorb the increases, the Committee decided that the reregistration fee this year will be $130 per Scout.  The cost for adult registered members will be $50.  Dues cover badges, handbooks, troop insurance, Council and National Council registration fees, Boys Life magazine subscriptions, etc.  Payment is due no later than Thursday, 11/18.  Fees may given to Cynthia at meetings, or submitted electronically to Jeff via Zelle or PayPal (please inform Cynthia of any electronic payments).

Parents:  Please remember that funds in your son's Scout account may be used to cover reregistration fees.  If you need to know the balance in the account, please contact Cynthia.  

Adult Members:  Almost all of you have YPT dates that expire next year, so you must complete YPT again this year.  Please try to have this done no later than Thursday, 11/11.  If possible, please email me a pdf copy of your certificate.  Background forms are only required for new adult members or those changing positions.

All:  Please inform Cynthia of any changes to your contact information.


Catonsville Presbyterian Church, the Knights of Columbus, and other churches in the Catonsville area are again collecting non-perishable food items and other essentials (cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and personal hygiene items) to support the food pantries/distribution centers at Grace AME and CEA.  There will be a drive-through collection at CPC from 4 - 6 pm on Friday, November 12.  Items can also be dropped off at the Knights of Columbus from 9:30 am - 12 pm on Saturday, November 13.  

There also will be a huge "Fill the Truck" event at the Knights of Columbus on Saturday, November 6.

Here is a list of the most needed items:

Pancake mix
Pancake Syrup
Muffin mixes
CEREAL (any type)
Peanut Butter
 Potato side dishes
Boxes/bags of Rice, Pasta, Beans
 Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruits
Canned Meats – tuna, salmon, ham, spam          
Canned soups, stews, or chili
Canned Beans
 Cake Mixes
Frostings for the cakes
Brownie Mixes
Cookie mixes (usually in bags)

As we get closer to the holidays, these items may also be donated:
Canned pumpkin
Gravy mix 
Canned yams/sweet potatoes, potatoes
Canned green beans, sauerkraut, collards
Cranberry sauce
Canned apple sauce
Pie fillings

Personal hygiene items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, feminine products, shampoo, conditioner, hand & body lotion, etc.

Laundry & Cleaning supplies:  soap powders for laundry, dishwasher products, Soft Scrub or similar products, Windex, toilet cleaners, bacterial type cleaners for floors, counters, Clorox wipes, etc.


The deadline for traditional popcorn orders has passed, but families may still sell popcorn online through 12/31/2021.  It's very easy to set up and share your sale page.  If you're interested, please contact Cynthia for more info. 


Troop 306 has officially entered its 109th year, which is pretty awesome!  This accomplishment is greatly due to the support from CPC, the community, and in particular parental involvement, and all of which are necessary for the Troop to continue to thrive.  We encourage each family to attend the Troop Committee meeting, which will be on Tuesday, November 2 at 7:30 pm due to a conflict.  This is a great way to learn about upcoming plans, see how the Troop is managed, and obtain more information about areas of need.  The meetings are currently being held via Zoom.

We appreciate the parents who volunteered to attend this weekend's camping trip.  We have a backpacking camping trip scheduled for the weekend of November 19 - 21, and parent participation is needed.  If you're interested in attending, please let Hope and Jeff know.


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