Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter
Celebrating our 109th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .
Here are some important upcoming dates:
21 - 23: Camping at Rodney Scout Reservation (postponed until February)
27 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM, virtually via Zoom
3 – PLC (6:30PM), and Troop Committee Meeting (7:30PM) via Zoom
10 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM
13 – Scout Sunday at CPC, Church Service at 10AM
17 – Winter Court of Honor (tentative)
24 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM
25 - 27: Camping (TBD, but likely will be at Rodney Scout Reservation)
We hope that everyone is safe and well. Listed above are the Troop's upcoming meetings and activities for the months of January and February.
Due to the extreme rise in Covid-19 cases throughout Maryland over the past few weeks, we decided that all Troop meetings in January will be virtual. We also postponed the camping trip. We will reassess things in February. Please continue to stay safe.
We appreciate all of the parents who attended the high adventure trip options and planning discussion this past Tuesday. In order to make decisions and start the planning process, we need information from each parent, particularly those whose Scout(s) will be old enough to participate in a high adventure trip in 2023 (most likely during the summer).
Sparky Zivin put together an awesome survey to help with the information gathering. Please see the link below. The survey is completely anonymous and will take no more than 5 minutes to complete. We need your responses soon because slots are already filling up at the four main BSA high adventure locations. Please respond no later than Saturday, January 29.
Thank you!
During the winter season, it may be hard to think about the summer. But, the adult leaders are already planning for Summer Camp at Rodney Scout Reservation (same place as last year), which is scheduled from June 26 - July 2, 2022. The Delmarva Council requires a $50 non-refundable deposit per Scout by February 1st to reserve space. If your Scout will be attending summer camp this year (and we really hope that everyone attends), please send the $50 deposit to Jeff electronically via PayPal or Zelle before February 1st. Please also be sure to inform Cynthia of your payment.
If you are committed to sending your Scout to summer camp, but are unable to make the payment this month, please let Cynthia or Jeff know.
As a reminder, Scout Accounts may be used for the deposit. If you are unsure of the funds remaining in your son's Scout Account, please contact Cynthia.
In June of this year, Troop 306 will reach it 110th anniversary, which is totally awesome! This accomplishment is greatly due to the support from CPC, the community, and in particular parental involvement, and all of which are necessary for the Troop to continue to thrive. We encourage each family to attend the Troop Committee meeting held on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm -- this is a great way to learn about upcoming plans, see how the Troop is managed, and obtain more information about areas of need. The meetings are currently being held via Zoom.
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