Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter- 11/21/2021

Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter 

Celebrating our 109th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .


Here are some important upcoming dates:


19 – 21 (Tumbling Run Backpacking Trip in Waynesboro, PA)

25 – THANKSGIVING (No Troop Meeting)

26 – Christmas Tree Sale Setup, 9AM - 12PM

27 – Christmas Tree Delivery & Start of Sale (8AM), and Annual CPC Grounds Cleanup (9AM)


2 – PLC (6:30PM), and Troop Committee Meeting (7:30PM) via Zoom 

9 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM, in person, CPC

16 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM, in person, CPC

23 – Regular Scout Meeting, 6:30 – 8PM, in person, CPC (Annual Holiday Party)

We hope that everyone is safe and well.  Listed above are the Troop's upcoming meetings and activities for the months of November and December. 

GREAT NEWS!!!  Catonsville Presbyterian Church will allow the Troop (and the Pack) to resume meeting indoors.  We greatly appreciate the support and advocacy of Ms. Glenda with this matter!  Our regular Scout meetings will be indoors starting in December.  The PLC and Troop Committee meetings will continue to be virtual.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! | Kurtz & Company | Keller Williams Chervenic Realty

We hope that you and your family will have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Our Christmas tree sale begins at the end of this week!!!  YAY!

Thank you attending the parent meeting on Thursday, and we hope that it was helpful.  The email contact list for the Troop parents will be sent out soon to facilitate shift switches.  If you need to switch your scheduled shift with another family, please make these arrangements yourself, but make sure Jeff and Cynthia are aware of the switch.  Again, if there are any questions, please feel free to contact Cynthia or Jeff.

On Friday, November 26, and Saturday, November 27, we need Scouts and parents to help set up the Christmas tree sale area, assist with sorting the trees, and participate in the church grounds cleanup.  These events require all hands, so please come help to the extent you can.  Please see the above calendar dates for specific times.


Re-chartering for the upcoming calendar year must be completed by 12/1/2021.  This past Thursday was the deadline to submit registration payments, which is $130 for Scouts and $50 for adult members.  There are still a few outstanding payments.  If this is you, please make your payment no later than Saturday, 11/27.  Fees may given to Cynthia on 11/26 or 11/27, or submitted electronically to Jeff via Zelle or PayPal (please inform Cynthia of any electronic payments).

Adults, please don't forget about your YPT!  If your YPT is scheduled to be expire in 2022, it must be completed again this year.  This is very important because we will not be able to register you as an adult member of the Troop if this requirement is not met.


The deadline for traditional popcorn orders has passed, but families may still sell popcorn online through 12/31/2021.  It's very easy to set up and share your sale page.  If you're interested, please contact Cynthia for more info. 


Troop 306 has officially entered its 109th year, which is pretty awesome!  This accomplishment is greatly due to the support from CPC, the community, and in particular parental involvement, and all of which are necessary for the Troop to continue to thrive.  We encourage each family to attend the Troop Committee meeting held on the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 pm -- this is a great way to learn about upcoming plans, see how the Troop is managed, and obtain more information about areas of need.  The meetings are currently being held via Zoom.