Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter
Celebrating our 108th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .
Here are some important upcoming dates:
3 PLC and Troop Committee Meeting
10 Outdoor Troop Meeting at Catonsville Presbyterian Church (tentative)
17 Troop Meeting via Zoom
24 Outdoor Troop Meeting at Catonsville Presbyterian Church (tentative)
We hope all of you continue to be safe and well. We recently learned that most activities and meetings inside the Catonsville Presbyterian Church building will remain suspended through the month of September. CPC's status is unlikely to change in October or during the remainder of the fall. Troop 306 is cautiously moving forward with plans to hold some outdoor events at Catonsville Presbyterian Church. Please see the schedule above. For any outdoor activity, the Scouts will be separated by patrols or small groups. Social distancing and face masks will be required. In response to a suggestion from a parent, we also recently purchased a non-contact forehead thermometer to check the temperature of any Scout or adult participating in a Troop meeting or activity. Hand sanitizer also will be available. We ask that anyone who is not feeling well or suspects recent exposure to Covid-19 to refrain from attending in-person Troop meetings or activities.
If there are any changes to the schedule, we will update you as soon as possible.
The events listed above are Troop 306's plans for the month of September. More detailed information regarding the Troop's plans was not sent out last week, but will be sent soon.
All summer camp refunds have been issued electronically or by check to those who were due refunds. Those refunds issued via check were handed out on Thursday or mailed to your home address. If you previously requested to use your son's Scout Account to cover a portion of the summer camp fee, those funds were returned to his Scout Account. If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia.
Ryan Allen, a current Troop 306 Scout, recently kicked off plans for his Eagle Project. Many thanks to those who contributed to his fundraiser through GoFundMe. Ryan has met his fundraising goal! Ryan will need lots of his assistance on his upcoming work days to complete the project. More information will be sent soon.
Catonsville Presbyterian Church is still working with other churches in the area to gather non-perishable food items. However, the large green trashcans have been removed. Instead, there is a direct food collection program every FRIDAY evening (4:30 -6:30 pm) in the small parking lot on Frederick Road. Food collected there is then delivered to the Knights of Columbus on Saturday morning. If you are able/willing to participate in this worthy cause, please consider doing so to help those in need. All non-perishable items are welcomed, and also may be dropped off at the Knights of Columbus on Saturdays from 8 - 10 am.
We also recently learned that the Catonsville Arts Festival and the Maryland Renaissance Festival have both been canceled due to Covid-19. Troop 306 normally participates in both events as a way to provide a service while also raising some funds. We appreciate those parents who stepped up to coordinate volunteers for these events.
The Troop is receiving information regarding this year's popcorn sale, which has already started. Although Troop 306 normally participates in the popcorn sale, we wanted to gauge interest in this activity before committing the Troop to being involved. The email survey was not sent last week, but will be sent soon.
Many thanks to all of the parents have volunteered for a role or responsibility within the troop.
- Membership Coordinator/Liaison: Kim Mason
- Special Events Team: Annie Guzman-Allen, Carolyn Jones, Kathy Hill, and Hope Riley
- Cyber Chip Coordinator: Marc Huete
- Website Coordinator: Alexis Willis
- Fundraising: Camp Cards (Kristal McCormick); Popcorn Sales (volunteer still needed); Catonsville Arts Festival (Leighann Ruark); Renaissance Festival (Hope Riley); and Christmas Tree Shift Scheduling (Kristal McCormick)
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 03, 2020 6:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Thursday, September 03, 2020 6:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Remarks: PLC and Troop Committee
Thursday, September 10, 2020 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM
Thursday, September 10, 2020 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM
Location: Catonsville Presbyterian (Outdoors)
Remarks: Troop Meeting
Thursday, September 17, 2020 7:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
MeetingThursday, September 17, 2020 7:30 PM TO 9:00 PM
Location: Zoom
Remarks: Troop Meeting
Thursday, September 24, 2020 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM
Thursday, September 24, 2020 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM
Location: Catonsville Presbyterian (Outdoors)
Remarks: Troop Meeting