Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter- July 3, 2022

Troop 306 Weekly Newsletter 

Celebrating our 110th Anniversary serving youth in Catonsville and beyond . . .


Here are some important upcoming dates:


4 – Flags for July 4 (meet at 8 am, and 5 pm)

– Mandatory Sea Base Parent Meeting at 7 pm, CPC

12 – Kickoff Meeting for Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge at 7 pm via Zoom


4 – PLC (6:30PM), and Troop Committee Meeting (7:30PM) via Zoom

25 – Potluck Pool Party at Woodbridge Valley Pool (tentatively scheduled from 5 - 8 pm)

We hope that everyone is safe and well.

Listed above are the Troop's upcoming meetings and activities for the months of July through August.  

After July 4th, the Troop will be taking a break for the summer.  There will be no regular Troop meetings during the month of July.  However, we will be starting the Citizenship in the Community merit badge -- please see below for more info.  

In August, we will have the PLC and Troop Committee/Parent meetings on August 4, and our annual pool party is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, August 25.  If anything changes with the schedule for August, we will inform everyone promptly.

Also, the Troop's Annual Calendar for 2022 – 2023 on 6/16.  Take a few moments to review the calendar if you have done so already.  Please make note of the Catonsville Arts & Crafts Festival (9/11), and the Renaissance Festival (10/23), which are scheduled Troop fundraisers/community service activities in which all families are expected to participate.


Welcome back Troop 306 Scouts and Adult Leaders!  Another summer camp has been completed!  We hope that you had a fun and productive week, and we look forward to hearing all about it in August!

It truly takes a team of people to make summer camp possible.  We sincerely appreciate the adult leaders and parents who contributed in various ways.  Those people include:  

  • Ms. Liz for handling our registration, merit badge sign-up, blue cards, and making numerous calls to camp to get answers to our questions;
  • Ms. Hope and Ms. Crystal for doing our shopping; 
  • Mr. Mike for transporting our trailer; 
  • Mr. Jeff, Mr. Phil, Mr. Sparky, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Harley for making time to attend camp this year; and
  • Mr. Dayne for attending, communicating, planning, and just being the all-around, go-to person.


It is an annual tradition of Troop 306 to place flags on Frederick Road on Independence Day (July 4th).  If available, we ask that Scouts meet on Monday at 8:00 am in the parking lot across the street from Catonsville Post Office.  We will meet again at 5 pm(immediately following the Catonsville parade) to retrieve the flags.  Scouts are asked to wear their Class A Uniforms.

Families with pick-up trucks, minivans, or SUVs are welcomed to transport flags down the road.  There are 54 flags to manage.

For planning purposes, please respond to Ms. Liz's email to indicate if your Scout will be there for: 1) morning only, 2) afternoon, or 3) both.


Starting in July 12 (yes, date change), Ms. Hope and Mr. Dennis will be offering the Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge via Zoom.  

This merit badge is Eagle-required, but there are many more important reasons to earn this badge!  You will learn what our rights, duties and obligations of citizenship are, how our local government operates, and how to demonstrate good citizenship in our community, troop, church, and school.

Please see Ms. Hope's email from June 9 for the pamphlet and the workbook.  If you are interested in working on the badge, please read the requirements so you understand the work that is needed to earn this badge.  It does require a presentation on an important aspect of your community, attending a local county council or school board meeting, interviewing a person from your local government, and good overall discussions about how our local community works and what we can do to make it better.  There is also 8 hours of community service that must be earned.

Ready to get started?  Please contact Ms. Hope if you have not already done so.  She will be sending out a revised schedule soon.


There will be a mandatory, in-person meeting on July 7, at 7 pm for the parents of all Sea Base youth participants.  The number of interested participants has changed since our last meeting, and we also want to review commitments and expectations regarding payments, participation, and swimming.  It is critical that at least one parent attend this meeting.  If you have not already done so, please respond to Ms. Cynthia's email sent on 6/30 to confirm your attendance.  

The next payment of $8,000 is due to Sea Base on November 1.  Payments are due by the third Thursday of each month and can be made via PayPal using the following email address:  Please contact Kristal McCormick at if you have questions or need more info.

Troop 306 Sea Base crews have been invited to participate in Food Truck Thursdays for fundraising purposes.  Ms. Hope circulated an email on 6/24 with info and a sign-up genius link.  Please take a moment to review the email and sign up for some spots.

Please feel free to share any additional fundraising ideas you may have with the High Adventure Committee.


Our anniversary month has ended, but we still have so many reasons to be thankful and proud!  We are the oldest Troop in Maryland, if not one of the oldest Troops in the U.S., and we've been chartered every year since then with the exception of one year during World War I.  Many, many thanks to Catonsville Presbyterian Church which has continuously sponsored Troop 306 from the very beginning!  We also greatly appreciate the strong support of our adult leaders, parents, and the community.  

Please enjoy your summer, and take some time to relax and refresh!  September is coming . . . 


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